Each month at Tadworth Primary School, we focus on a different value which we feel is important to us all.
Our values often link directly to the British Values which are:
The rule of law
Individual liberty
Mutual tolerance of those with different faiths and for those without faith.
In recent years the values that we have covered include: belonging, democracy, safety, thoughtfulness, friendship, reliability, resilience, honesty, manners matter, love our world and challenge.
To help keep our values at the forefront of everyone’s minds, each month posters are displayed around the school, promoting the value, and our weekly assemblies aim to focus on promoting and learning about the value. Also, the Tadworth Times introduces the new value which keeps parents informed and enables them to discuss the value, reinforcing their importance at home too. We believe these opportunities enhance the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development within our school community.
Our Values give us much to think about, smile about, reflect and act on and we hope they are food for thought for you too!