Online Safety
As a school, we believe online safety is a crucial part of a child's education and we are committed to raising awareness and educating children in this area.
Online safety is taught in every year group across the school and parental involvement is strongly encouraged. The school takes part annually in initiatives such as Safer Internet Day and often includes a focus on Cyberbullying during Anti-bullying week.
If you ever have any concerns about your child and online safety, please speak to their class teacher, Mrs Davies or Mr Kelly. We always remind the children to tell a trusted adult, at home or at school, if they have any concerns about online safety. Each class has a tell a trusted adult box so that they can write a comment in if they need to.
CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection) is an organisation run by the NCA (National Crime Agency), and is therefore government run. They are tasked with keeping children (and adults) safe while online. As well as offering many resources to educate children in this area, they are also somewhere where safety concerns can be raised if required. We teach the children in KS2 about this ‘report’ feature (while encouraging them to speak to an adult and complete it together wherever possible) and have included a link to it below so that parents can familiarise themselves with it too. You will also see the link on various social networking and messaging websites.
'Thinkuknow' is a section of the CEOP website which contains many useful resources for teaching children about online safety. We use this in school as part of our curriculum teaching.
At Internet Matters, parents and professionals can find the most comprehensive and credible resources, information and support to keep children safe online.