Attendance and Illness
To report your child's absence or leave request, please e-mail us at:
Alternatively you can call us on:
01737 354541
Attendance Information for parents and carers
What are the timings for the school day?
Arrival time at school – 08.45
Register – 08.50
End of school day pick-up – 15.20
- Children who arrive after 08.50 will be recorded as late
- Persistent lateness by a pupil may be dealt with through support for the family via the home/school link worker and/or may be referred to the Surrey Inclusion Service.
- Registers close at 9.20am and after this, lateness is recorded as an unauthorised absence (this could lead to prosecution by the Local Authority if the problem persists).
Punctuality /Lateness
It is crucial that children arrive at school on time for registration at the beginning of the day. Lateness into school causes disruption to that individual's learning and to that of the other children in the class. It is paramount therefore that all children arrive at school on time.
- Children who arrive after 8.50am will be recorded as late.
- Persistent lateness by a pupil may be dealt with through support for the family via the home/school link worker and/or may be referred to the Surrey Inclusion Service.
- Registers close at 9.20am and after this, lateness is recorded as an unauthorised absence (this could lead to prosecution by the local authority if the problem persists).
What happens if my child becomes unwell at school?
The school employs a Welfare Secretary who is responsible for the welfare of the children. In addition to this, our staff are able to administer first aid. If children are not well, a member of staff will tend to them and if required, they will be taken to the Welfare Office. If necessary, parents will be contacted. All parents are asked to ensure that the school has an up to date contact number for use in such emergencies.
My child has been unwell, when can they return to school?
If your son/daughter has required medicine such as Calpol they should remain off school.
In the event of a high temperature, children should remain at home until their temperature has returned to normal for a 24-hour period without the need for medication.
Children who suffer sickness or diarrhoea should be kept off school for 48 hours from the last incidence in order to avoid spreading any infection.
Why is it important for me to notify the school of the reason for any absence?
We ask parents to inform the school promptly as to the reasons for any absence – including the symptoms of any illness/sickness. This is so that we can monitor and react as required to any potentially contagious illness in our setting which could pose a risk to others.
Will the school administer medicines?
We do not administer short term medicines such as antibiotics in school. Where children need regular medication for a long-term condition we will consider making appropriate arrangements. If a child requires medicine such as Calpol they should remain off school. In the event of a high temperature children should remain at home until their temperature has returned to normal for a 24-hour period, without the need for medication.
Children who suffer sickness or diarrhoea should be kept off school for 48 hours from the last incidence in order to avoid spreading any infection. We ask parents to inform the school of any infectious illnesses, so that we can inform and protect any child or member of staff who could be particularly at risk from them.
Why is it important for my child not to miss school and what might the impact of poor attendance be?
All parents want the best for their children. At Tadworth Primary School, we are committed to doing all that we can to secure the best outcomes for children. Good attendance is key to achieving this. Government research clearly demonstrates the link between school attendance and educational progress, attainment, social interaction, health and wellbeing.
Absence from school is often the greatest single cause of poor performance and achievement. Attendance below 95% is likely to impact on their child’s development including their attainment, ability to make and maintain friends, mental health and could lead to limited employment opportunities later in life.
Pupils with good attendance records generally achieve higher grades and enjoy school more. Having a good education will help to give your child the best possible start in life and encourage the development of other responsible patterns of behaviour.
- Attending every school day = 100% attendance
- Attending 4 ½ days a week = 80% attendance = more than half a term missed per year
- Attending 3 ½ days a week = 70% attendance = more than a quarter of the school year missed
- An average attendance of 80% or less across a child’s school career adds up to missing a whole 2 years from school
Being late for school reduces learning time.
- If your child is 5 minutes late every day they will miss three days of learning each year
- If your child is 15 minutes late every day they will miss 2 weeks of learning each year
What does the law say?
By law, all children of compulsory school age (between 5 and 16) must receive a suitable, full time education. As a parent, you are responsible for making sure this happens.
Once your child is registered at a school you are responsible for making sure he or she attends regularly. The LA is responsible for making sure that parents fulfil their responsibilities. If your child fails to attend regularly, the Local Authority (LA) may take legal action against you.
What if I need to take my child out of school during the day?
There may be rare occasions when your child has to miss school because they have to attend a medical or dental appointment in school time. However, you should try to make routine appointments such as dental check-ups during the school holiday or after school hours.
If you think you might need to take your child out of school, discuss the reasons with the school as soon as possible.
Can my child take leave of absence during term time?
The Education (Pupil Registration)(England)(Amendment) Regulations 2013 state that Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. The Headteacher is required to determine the number of school days a child can be away from school if leave is granted.
Reasons such as a family bereavement or taking part in an agreed religious observance would be acceptable for short absences. Unacceptable reasons for missing school include family holidays, birthdays, shopping trips and accompanying parents e.g. on business trips.
What happens if my child does not attend school regularly?
If concerns regarding attendance arise, the school will work with the parent/carer to try and address any issues.
The school is responsible by law for reporting poor attendance to the LA. As a parent, you are committing an offence if you fail to make sure that your child attends school regularly. You run the risk of being issued with a penalty notice or being taken to court. The school attendance policy sets out the details regarding penalty notices.
Relevant links/forms:
We will always endeavour to open the school, provided it is safe to do so. Were we ever to need to close/partially close the school, we would notify parents by 8am via email in the first instance and also on the landing page of our school’s website.
- Cold Weather – Including snow and ice
During the winter months, please ensure your son/daughter comes to school wearing an appropriate warm, waterproof coat.
In the event of snow (which settles), we will normally look to take the children out during the school day but can only do so if they are wearing appropriate clothing – including footwear. On days such as these, it is advisable for your child to either walk in in boots, bringing named school shoes in a bag and a spare pair of socks too. You may also like to send them in wearing/with an additional layer and long trousers to change into if they normally prefer shorts.
Please can you ensure you regularly remind your son/daughter to take care of any potential ice/slippery surfaces when they arrive on the school site. When paths have been cleared, please keep to these and avoid untreated sections of our playgrounds.
- The Alleyway – strong winds, snow or other environmental factors
As this path goes through an area of woodland, there are understandable risks associated with the area (such as falling branches). We will always look to keep the alleyway open but have, on occasions, had to keep it closed in the past for short periods of time (e.g. during high winds and on one occasion– during the summer – due to a wasp’s nest). In events such as these, we will notify parents via email of any closure of the alley.
In the event of heavy snow/ice, the alleyway will normally remain open, however, it is highly unlikely that it will be cleared of snow/salted.
In conditions such as these, please ensure you take this into account when planning your journey to/from school